just test
Suzhou Hechuan Chemical Technology Service Co., Ltd. (hereby we called HCC) was established at 2012, a service outsourcing platform that focuses on supply technical support to enterprise from R&D to production line. Go through some stages of development, we own the core brands Hechuan, Rongshu. Our business covers materials, chemistry, environmental protection, biomedicine, new energy and other fields. To help customer solve the problems of technical innovation, quality control, failure diagnosis, raw material selection, environmental protection and etc., we can offer comprehensive technical solution as composition analysis, R&D, instrument test, foreign matter analysis, environmental detection, zero discharge water treatment process, technical training and consultation and so on.
HCC adheres to self-improvement in technology, to help enterprise to create a three-dimensional competitiveness in the era of industrial upgrading and transformation, to assist enterprise to complete efficient R&D and rapid growth. As the second R&D center of enterprise, HCC willing to achieve win-win future together with you!